Day 26: July 27, 2018
1. Final Presentation and Closing Ceremony
2. Feedback meeting
On the last day of the Training, trainees presented a proposal for each of the two groups for the future Bangsamoro Government.
The final presentation session was held with participation from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Hiroshima Prefectural Government (HPG), and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office at the Large Conference Room, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hiroshima University (HU).
Each group had 20 minutes of presentation, followed by 15 minutes of discussion and feedback. Please find the schedule and trainees’ names listed below.
PDF for both schedule and the list
Group 1 proposed agricultural-business-bazaar titled, “AGRI BIZAAR” to provide farmers with the place for selling their products, networking with other farmers, and receiving information from the organizer. Implementation plan and expected results were also discussed.
The next proposal presented by Group 2 was titled, “Oneness in Nurturing Education (ONE) in BANSAGMORO: Standardized and Contextual Teacher’s Guide.” They looked at issues and challenges caused by cultural, ethnic, and religious diverseness of Bangsamoro and proposed a policy named, “Standardized Contextual Teacher’s Guide,” to help developing “unity” in the society, using educational intervention as a tool.
Compared to their work at the rehearsal held just one day before the presentation, Mr. Kawagoe and Ms. Adams, who participated in both events, said that they were impressed by their outstanding improvement.
During the discussion sessions, trainees received a lot of advice and helpful recommendations from the guests. They will take these constrictive feedback to continue to refine their proposals in Mindanao. The polished final proposals will be submitted to Bangsamoro Development Agency, our local project partner, in November 2018. We are all excited to see its further improvement in November.
After the Presentation, Closing Ceremony for the 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings was held. The trainees received a Certificate of Completion from JICA and another certificate jointly from Hiroshima Prefectural Government and Hiroshima University handed by Ms. Sachiko Missumi, Director General, JICA Chugoku Center, for the former and Mr. Masahiro Shimozaki, Director, Regional Policy Bureau, Peace Promotion Project Team, HPG and Professor Daizo Egashira, Dean of School of Law, HU, for the latter.
Trainees then received congratulating speeches from Ms. Misumi, Mr. Shimozaki, and Prof. Egashira. Prof. Yoshida, the Project Manager of the HiPeC-BM, also gave a few words to congratulate trainees on their achievement and closed the Ceremony. Click here for the photos of the Closing Ceremony.
Group photo after the Ceremony Trainees and facilitators of the 6th Batch
In the afternoon, trainees changed their traditional/formal clothing to their order-made uniform. The feedback meeting was participated by Mr. Kawagoe from HPG and Mr. Yamamoto from JICA as well as the Project Manager, the 6th batch trainees, facilitators, and staff. Opinions and feedback during the discussion will be taken seriously for our future trainings.
Day 27: July 28, 2018:
Departing from Hiroshima to the Philippines
All trainees, facilitators, and staff took a Shinkansen from Higashi Hiroshima and a flight from Fukuoka airport to their home. We hoped the trainees will effectively utilize a wide range of ideas through this Training which will make them possible to contribute to the development of a peaceful and stable society as public administrators in the autonomous government in Bangsamoro, Mindanao, the Philippines.
- Final group photo of the trainees and facilitators of the 6th batch
- Ready for loading..
- Time to go home with lots of information gained through the Training!!