The Project
We have two kinds of trainings. Hiroshima Essential Trainings (HET) is opened for every youths who are willing to work and serve for tri-people in Bangsamoro. HET is held for 4 weeks in Hiroshima every summer. Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings (MHST) is only for finished trainees of HET. MHST is held for 2 weeks in Mindanao and another 2 weeks in Hiroshima every winter.
1. The 6th Hiroshima Essential Training (JULY, 2018)
- 1.1. 12 youths aged approximately between 20 and 30 will be invited to the 6th Hiroshima Essential Training for a duration of 4 weeks. The trainees shall learn professional knowledge and practical skills in public administration and be evaluated their performance.
- 1.2. Higher capacity to execute the practical public administration shall be demonstrated by the trainees by producing policy proposals for the Bangsamoro Government at the end of the trainings and submitting them to Bangsamoro Development Agency, the local project partner.
- 1.3. The training will be interactive so that the contents will be reviewed and adjusted to the local needs.
- 1.4. Excellent trainees of Hiroshima Essential Trainigs will have an opportunity to enhance their capacity by participating the Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings, subject to the continuation of this project.
2. Training also at Davao Selective Seminar (MAY, 2018)
All the applicants will be subject to the first selection on the basis of their application documents. 33 youths selected through documentary selection will be invited to Davao to obtain basic knowledge and skills of peacebuilding. It is those 12 best performers in this Selective Seminar who will be invited to Hiroshima.
3. Sustainable Learning and Human Network to Support the Bangsamoro Government
- 3.1. An alumni association of the Hiroshima trainees will be organized to support the Autonomous government across various fields.
- 3.2. Mini Library in Cotabato releases the training materials and related documents to the public.
Schedule of the Project
Training Curriculum in Hiroshima
The trainings will be conducted by HiPeC-BM, an implementing body of this project in Hiroshima University, and real local public administrators from Hiroshima Prefectural Government are among the lectures.
Selection Procedure