The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (12-22)

Day 12: July 13, 2018
   Field Trip to Hiroshima City 
         1. Hiroshima Castle 
         2. Peace Memorial Museum and Park
  (Cancelled: Field trip to Etajima city)

Due to the heavy rain disaster on July 7th strongly affected  Etajima city where we planed for the firld trip today, we were not able to visit the Etajima city.

Although our visit was cancelled, we received a lot of materials from them. Trainees were able to learn various information of the City of Etajima, Sato-no-Eki (a market directly from farmers in Nomi area) and  Minato kitchen project, and a community space, “FUUDO.”  We thanked them for organizing the original visit and providing all materials for us. We sincerely hoped the speedy recovery of the City. 

Alternatively, we went to Hiroshima city to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Peace Memorial Park, and Hiroshima Castle which was originally planed on July 7, 2018.  Back then, there was no way to get to Hiroshima from Saijo but at this time, Shinkansen was working. The cost of Shinkansen is more expensive than its local train but the Japan Railway (JR) company permitted people to use Shinkansen if they purchased local tickets to Hiroshima prior to the disaster. We have already bought the JR tickets and could use it to ride Shinkansen.

First, we visited Hiroshima Castle.  We learned history of the Castle and took a tour to the top of the Castle. 

We then walked toward Peace Memorial Park area and trainees enjoyed Halal-certified lunch at a Turkish restaurant. The next destination was the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.  A experienced volunteer guide, Mr. Ken Harada, showed us the Museum and trainees learned detailed information and took the message of No more Hiroshimas. Mr. Harada then guided us to the Peace Memorial Park.  We visited Atomic Bomb Dome (A-bomb Dome), one of the World Heritage sites, and explored the Park including the hypocentre/Ground zero located outside of the Park. Mr. Harada provided us very informative session and it confirmed necessity of working toward peacekeeping around the world.