The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (10-22)

Day 10: July 11, 2018
  Joint lecture series between Hiroshima University (HU) and Hiroshima Prefectural
 Government (HPG)
1. Theme: Regional Comprehensive Plan: Depopulated Areas of Hiroshima
           Lecture 1: ” Municipality: A basic Local Government in  Japan”
           Lecture 2:  “Efforts to Develop Hilly and Mountainous Areas” 
   2. Theme: Roles and Missions of Local Government Administration and Finance
          Lecture 1: “Local Government in Japan”
          Lecture 2: “Roles and Duties of Local government Administration”

The first joint lecture was given by Professor Seiichi Moribe, HU and Mr. Shinichi Yokota, Promotion of Mountainous and Hilly Areas Division, HPG. Prof. Moribe introduced structures of local government in Japan and discussed roles, duties, and functions of local governments.  needs to have as a state. He examined Aoga-shima village as an example of a small local government in Japan.  Mr. Yokota focused on mountainous areas in Hirohsima and described various issues in these areas. Plans and projects to solve these issues were also discussed for developing and revitalizing these areas. 

The second joint lecture was delivered by Emeritus Professor Nobufumi Kawasaki, HU and Mr. Tatsutoshi Sakura, Division of Municipal Finance, HPG. Prof. Kawasaki first explained government system in Japan and then explore the city of Higashi Hiroshima and showed different sections’ work. He then discussed current policy issues and how the local goverment is working on these issues. Mr. Sakura explained details of duties and roles of local goverment focusing on Hiroshima Prefecture.