(Nov. 3) HiPeC-BM Project’s panels will be displayed at Hiroshima University’s “Homecoming Day” event

HiPeC-BM Project’s Panel will be displayed Homecoming Day, one of the big events of Hiroshima University on this Saturday, November 3, 2018!

The panel exhibition will be from 13:00 to 5:00 pm at the Medium Conference Room (room A-192) in the Graduate School of Social Sciences.  The exhibition will show outstanding lectures, symposium, and seminars  held during the year of 2018.  

We joined this event by making two panels, which displays the core trainings of the HiPeC-BM project: Hiroshima Essential Trainings and  Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-up Trainings. Please visit the Exhibition and give your feedback to us!! 

Panel 1: The 3rd Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill Up Training (PDF)



Panel 2: The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (PDF)

