Category Archives: NEWS

We apologize for late upload of the Medical Declaration Form, which should have been attached to the application form.

Those who get qualified for the Davao Selection Seminar, please download the form above.

Then print out the form and fill it up.

The filled-up form is a requirement for the registration of Davao Selection Seminar.  Don’t forget to bring it.

To the successful 33 Davao Selective Seminar participant’s for the 5th Batch Hiroshima Essential Trainings, please acknowledge the short notification sent to you through your contact number(s).

Kindly wait for the Letter of Invitation that will be sent to your email. For the mean time, to get yourself ready for the Davao Selective Seminar, please refer to the response mail sent to you during your application.

Congratulations and Good Luck on your next step of Selection!

(Note: The names of the successfully selected 33 DSS participants will not be posted in public.)

For those who missed the deadline for this year’s 5th Batch Hiroshima Essential Trainings Application, please kindly wait for the next open calls for the 6th Batch HET, around 1st quarter of 2018.

To the successfully registered 5th Batch Hiroshima Essential Trainings Applicants, thank you very much for your interest and good luck!

20160709007-edWe open to accept application of Hiroshima Essential Trainings 5th Bach. Schedule is as follows.

Application submission deadline:  14 April, 2017
Davao         selective       seminar:  18-21 May, 2017
Hiroshima    Essential   Trainings:  2-29 July, 2017

Please visit application page to get more information!


     We held the final presentation on 28 January, 2017 at Cotabato, Philippines. There were a lot of participants from cooperated organization and alumni also participated.
     The 2nd Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings has been finished. Next Hiroshima Essential Trainings 5th Batch will be held in July, 2017. We will open to accept your application around February to March. Please keep checking our information.


     Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings 2nd Batch was held at Hiroshima from 9 to 20 January, 2017. We had a mid-term presentation on 20 January, and it was the end of Hiroshima part of trainings. Trainees went back to Mindanao on 21 January. The trainings still continues one more week at Cotabato, Philippines.

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Presenter Title of Presentations
Asan Al-Ameen CAMLIAN          Local Peacewatch Mechanism for Peaceful Bangsamoro Communities
Manal SUGADOL Cultural Community Learning Center (CCLC)
Jerham JOE Bangsamoro Society with available and accessible health services creating a healthy community
Nor Jannah GULEMBAYAN Capacity Building for Bangsamoro Development: A Promotion of Trust and Confidence between the Government and the Community for Development and Sustainability
Omar KABAK Literacy and Skill Development for Adult (LASDA)
Naima PENDI A Flourishing Agro-fisheries Industry Benefitting the Bangsamoro

     Trainees gave presentations about “Issues and Solutions in Bangsamoro Administration”. They raised the vision for Bangsamoro which shared within trainees, then they explained their project proposal one by one. Their vision for Bangsamoro is “Inclusive and sustainable Bangsamoro upholding justice with pride in its history and culture.”
     Cooperators from Hiroshima Prefectural government, JICA Chugoku and Hiroshima University gave a lot of comments and suggestion for each presentations.

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     They will update their own project and present again at final presentation on 28 January, at Cotabato. A lot of participants from cooperated organizations will expected.


     Trainees of Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up trainings 2nd batch arrived at Hiroshima on 8 January, 2017. They will stay in Hiroshima until the end of this week. A lot of people in Hiroshima welcomed them warmly.

Site Visit: 11 and 12 January, 2017

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     Last week, the training was held on some places in Hiroshima Prefecture. From 11 to 12 January, they visited Gota Community Center in Higashihiroshima city and Kuba Community Center in Kuba district, Otake city. The purpose of site visit is to learn how community and municipal government cooperate each other at the community center. Trainees learned the function of community center at Gota Community Center, and they moved to Kuba Community Center, which got a prize of the best community center by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2015.

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     They also visited Shomyoji temple in Kuba community. Former head priest taught the Kuba history. They agreed how important to know their own history.

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     Next day they walked around Kuba town with a Map which was made by community. In the oyster factory, trainees saw some Filipino from Mindanao Island were working. Also they walked Udatsu Street, which remains its old scenery with Udatsu (old style fire wall), and they visited Ogi shoten store that sells lumber. In the afternoon, trainees had a session with Ms. Kouchi, the officer of Kuba community center and local people who are called “Chiikijin (a catchy nickname of active local people)”.

     This visit was reported by Chugoku newspaper next morning.

Session with Hiroshima High School Students: 13 January

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     Trainees had a session with Hiroshima high school students at their school. Hiroshima high school is selected as a super global high school by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Around 40 high school students joined the session.

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     Trainees and students discussed about peace. They made 6 groups and trainees joined their groups as facilitators. Trainees talked about the situation in Mindanao and also their experiences. Students thought seriously about the meaning of peace.

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     They had presentations with drawings and words. Students spoke what is peace and how to bring peace in Mindanao. 

Presentation at Manabino Cafe at Kuba Community Center: 14 January

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     Trainees visited Kuba town again to join Manabino Cafe at Kuba community center on 14 January. Manabino Cafe is held once a month, and local people can learn various topics with  coffee. People who joined Manabino Cafe become Chiikijin. A lot of local people and 6 high school students joined.

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     Trainees was introduced to participants with their traditional dance performances. After some explanation by Professor Yoshida, Mr. Kawagoe, an officer of Hiroshima prefectural government and Ms. Kouchi, trainees presented what they learned from Kuba community and how to utilize their learning in Mindanao.

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     Participants showed their interest with trainees and Mindanao. They asked many questions to trainees, and participants and trainees exchanged their idea each other. Japanese sweets Zenzai and Filipino sweets Polvoron were served to participants with coffee. Kuba community center was filled with smiles.

     Trainees will have some sessions to develop their proposal in this week. Final presentation will be held this Friday. 

     The seminar was held on 9th November 2016 at Hiroshima city. We presented our previous project run from 2014 to 2016. There were over 30 participants. People from various sectors discussed Mindanao issue and the project together. This seminar was reported by Chugoku newspaper and Yomiuri newspaper next morning.

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     Presenters from Hiroshima Prefecture, JICA and Hiroshima university showed how to establish and develop this project. Also they emphasized the importance to act on grassroots revel.

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     Collaborators of this project also joined. Mr. Kurisu from Akiota town and Mr. Fukunaga from Kawanishi community, Miyoshi city talked their experiences taking care of HiPeC-BM trainees. Trainees learned how local community manage their community by themselves. In addition to their experiences, they introduced current activities in their communities. Participants could learn not only about Mindanao but also about activities of local communities in Hiroshima.



We have decided to extend the deadline to Monday November 7.
Those who are considering applying to the program, download and fill out the application form now, get ready other documents, and apply!

We started to accepting the application of Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings. Finished trainees of 1st to 3rd Hiroshima Essential Trainings are welcomed to join the 2nd Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings. Please visit Application page to get more information. Deadline is Monday, 31 October, 2016.