Category Archives: NEWS

Day 9: July 10, 2018
1. Lecture: “Land governance in Post-Conflict Hiroshima”
  2. Lecture: “The Road Administration of Hiroshima Prefecture”

The first lecture, “Land governance in Post-Conflict Hiroshima” was given by Professor Mari Katayanagi, Hiroshima University. She discussed issues on land property conflict using different cases and compared to cases in Mindanao and conflict resolution was also discussed. As the main case study, the Professor introduced Hiroshima’s reconstructing  case and other case studies were also mentioned. At the end of the lecture, land problems in Mindanao was discussed.

Due to the aftermath of the heavy rain disaster, transportation system greatly affected in Hiroshima. The second lecturer, Mr. Yasutaka Tanaka who works in the Road Planning Division, Hiroshima Prefecture, had to deal with these road related urgent matters. We appreciated him to provide materials prior to the training and thus trainees were able to learn from it along with the Project Manager’s explanation.  Trainees gained knowledge of road development of Hiroshima prefecture and management of various kind of infrastructures such as roads, rivers, dams, soil-erosion control, harbors, coastlines, sewers, and parks.



Day 8: July 9, 2018
1. Examination-1 and Review-1
  2. Lecture: “The Police System and Commodity in Japan”

Although most transportation systems affected by the heavy rain disaster, the shuttle bus between HIP and HU was running and thus trainees were able to commute !

Part of the JR railway collapsed and highways also closed between Hiroshima and Higashi-Hiroshima where the University located and Shinkansen was the only transportation method between these cities at this time.  The lecture was delivered by Prof. Yoshinaka and his living area was not affected by the disaster. Therefore, he came by Shinkansen and we are able to have his lecture as planned.  

Trainees first took the examination-1. All lecturers are asked to prepare one question for their lectures to test trainees’ understanding of lectures.  The weekly exam was held three times and final exam to conclude these three. Also, a short review session was conducted everyday after the afternoon session was finished from 16:15 to 17:45.

The lecture, “The Police System and Commodity in Japan” was given by Professor Nobuhito Yoshinaka, HU. His lecture was divided into two parts: 1) Police organization in Japan: A prefectural police system, and 2) Modern society and community policing in Japan. Trainees learned basic information of Police system of Japan and how the system works in communities including history of crime prevention activities and its challenges.



Day 6: July 7, 2018
  <Schedule was cancelled due to the heavy rain disaster in Hiroshima Area>

The heavy rain hit Hiroshima area on July 6th which led serious floods, landslides, and shortage of transportation and food supplies, etc. All programs were suspended. Our sincere sympathies go out to the families that have been affected by loss of lives and/or houses.

The Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP) where the trainees stayed, managed well to secure food supplies for them.  We worked our best to manage and continue the program out of this difficult situation.


Day 7: July 7, 2018
Sunday/ free time

Day 5: July 6, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Introduction of HICARE projects”
  2. Courtesy Call on Hiroshima Prefectural Governor, Hidehiko Yuzaki

We went to Hiroshima city for the second time to visit Hiroshima Prefectural government (HPG). Due to the heavy rain which caused a serious flood disaster in Hiroshima, we shorten the schedule and left after lunch in order to secure the way back in Higashi Hiroshima. The bus we took was full and transportation system to Higashi Hiroshima was suspended a few hours later we left Hiroshima.

The lecture on HICARE (Hiroshima International Council for the Radiation-exposed) project was originally planned in the afternoon, offered by Mr. Takeshi Yahata, Atomic Bomb Survivors Support Division, HPG. We greatly appreciated Mr. Yahata  to kindly re-schedule it to the morning time.  It was fortunate that the courtesy call on Governor was held as planned. However, it was unfortunate that we had to cancel other programs such as visiting Hiroshima Prefectural Peace Project Team and the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly


Day 4: July 5, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Autonomous Government in Peacebuilding” 
  2. Lecture: “UNITAR Capacity Development: Existing Training Programmes”

First lecture, “Autonomous Government in Peacebuilding,” was given by our project manager, Professor Osamu Yoshida, Hiroshima University. Prof. Yoshida used some examples to explain procedures taken for building self-government or to stipulate a unitary state. Conditions for successful and stable decentralization were also discussed. 

The second lecture,  “UNITAR Capacity Development: Existing Training Programmes” was delivered by Dr. Shamsul Hadi Shams, Training Associate, UNITAR Hiroshima Office.  He first discussed UNITAR’s vision and mission and then, explained various training programmes. Some case studies of Post-Conflict reconstruction and disarmament were also discussed. 

  1. Day 3: July 4, 2018
      1. Lecture: “Development through Education” 
      2. Review session by facilitators

The first lecture at Hiroshima University (HU) was given by Emeritus Professor Hideo Ikeda, Hiroshima University, titled “Development through Education.”   Prof. Ikeda discussed on how education have influenced for post-war development including national, local, and school policy, specifically focusing on the Philippines. We also learned effects of language choice when teaching.

Review sessions were held everyday to discuss lessons learned from lectures and activities.  We invited four alumni of HiPeC-BM Hiroshima essential trainings to manage these sessions. Facilitators were assigned for two weeks. They were very helpful and played important role in the training.

The first half facilitators are 1. Abdul Nasif Mama Mohammad (Nash) and 2. Anisah Pasandalan Hadji Ali (Anisah), and the second half facilitators were 1. Ronnie Landicho Arap, Jr. (RR) and 2. Rukayya Abdurahma Darul (Kai) .  Using their experiences, they all worked hard to support trainees and the training! In addition, we had a wonderful staff from Cotabato, Esrahida Balimbinga Acas, to support overall training!

Day 2: July 3, 2018
  1. Courtesy Call on Director of UNITAR Hiroshima Office 
  2. Lecture: “Hiroshima 0806, 1945”
  3. Lecture:  “Local Government Mission and Responsibility for Future”

We went to Hiroshima City today to visit United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Hiroshima Prefectural Government (HPG) today. 

First, we visited UNITAR to pay a courtesy call on Ms. Mihoko Kumamoto, Director of the Hiroshima Office, UNITAR. We learned how UNITAR have been contributing and promoting toward global peace by offering various trainings and seminars. We also learned important meaning of establishment of Hiroshima Office. The session was peacefully held at the room offering the beautiful panoramic view of Peace Memorial Park and Atomic Bomb dome. 

We then walked from UNITAR to HPG for lectures. The project is organized and conducted by HPG and Hiroshima University (HU), proposing and implementing roles, respectively. We work collaboratively and invite many lecturers from HPG.

The first lecture was offered by Ms. Keiko Ogura who was exposed to the atomic bomb 2.4km away from the hypo-center at age 8. It is such a valuable experience listening  to the firsthand story from the atomic bomb survivor who is also the representative of the Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace.  Her story impressed us and brought strong attention to determination to abolish nuclear weapons and importance of having hope and peace.

The second session at HPG was delivered by Mr. Yasuo Hashimoto, Managing Director of  Hiroshima Link Service. The four-hour session consisted of lecture, group work, and group presentations. We learned importance of setting a goal in our lives and having a missing as a member of each society. Trainees took the three messages to their home, 1) Living with Pride, 2) open mind and good planning, 3) trusting network.


Day 1: July 2, 2018
1. Courtesy Call on Director General of JICA Chugoku International Center
  2. Preliminary Exam and review
  3. Campus tour / Library tour

The program is funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and to start off the training, the trainees paid a courtesy call on Ms. Sachiko Misumi, Director General of JICA Chugoku Center.  The Center is located in the same building of HIP where they are staying. 

Then, trainees went to the Graduate School of Social Science, Hiroshima University (HU) where most lectures were held.  As this is the first day of visiting HU, trainees joined a campus tour guided by a student volunteer guide to orient themselves in the campus. They also had a preliminary exam on this first day.



The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings was held from July 2nd to 27th, 2018 in Hiroshima, Japan. 12 trainees who had been qualified at Davao Selective Seminar were invited to Hiroshima to learn skills in public administration, leadership, and adaptability to deal with new environment for establishing autonomous government (Bangsamoro) in Mindanao, the Philippines.

This year, we had to deal with a heavy rain which caused serious flood disaster since July 6th. This resulted in many schedule modifications. We appreciated all lecturers’ support despite this difficult situation. We also would like to extend our sincere condolences to the victims of the disaster.

The modified final schedule is found here in both English and Japanese. Please also visit the facebook page “UKIT” created by the the 6th-Batch trainees.

Day 0:  July 01, 2018
12 trainees, 2 facilitators, and the staff from Cotabato office arrived Higashi Hiroshima from Mindanao via Manila and Fukuoka airport.  


Trainees arrived at Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP) where they stayed for four weeks and had some sessions during the training.  On this arrival day, the orientation-session was held at HIP before we start the  4-week training! 


Davao Selective Seminar was held from May 10 to 13 in order to select 12 trainees going to Hiroshima in July.

Here are some pictures taken during the Seminar.