The Seminar to report our project was held in Hiroshima

     The seminar was held on 9th November 2016 at Hiroshima city. We presented our previous project run from 2014 to 2016. There were over 30 participants. People from various sectors discussed Mindanao issue and the project together. This seminar was reported by Chugoku newspaper and Yomiuri newspaper next morning.

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     Presenters from Hiroshima Prefecture, JICA and Hiroshima university showed how to establish and develop this project. Also they emphasized the importance to act on grassroots revel.

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     Collaborators of this project also joined. Mr. Kurisu from Akiota town and Mr. Fukunaga from Kawanishi community, Miyoshi city talked their experiences taking care of HiPeC-BM trainees. Trainees learned how local community manage their community by themselves. In addition to their experiences, they introduced current activities in their communities. Participants could learn not only about Mindanao but also about activities of local communities in Hiroshima.