Day 9: July 10, 2018
1. Lecture: “Land governance in Post-Conflict Hiroshima”
2. Lecture: “The Road Administration of Hiroshima Prefecture”
The first lecture, “Land governance in Post-Conflict Hiroshima” was given by Professor Mari Katayanagi, Hiroshima University. She discussed issues on land property conflict using different cases and compared to cases in Mindanao and conflict resolution was also discussed. As the main case study, the Professor introduced Hiroshima’s reconstructing case and other case studies were also mentioned. At the end of the lecture, land problems in Mindanao was discussed.
- Prof. Katayanagi showing features of case-study, including Mindanao
- During the lecture
- Group photo with Prof. Katayanagi
Due to the aftermath of the heavy rain disaster, transportation system greatly affected in Hiroshima. The second lecturer, Mr. Yasutaka Tanaka who works in the Road Planning Division, Hiroshima Prefecture, had to deal with these road related urgent matters. We appreciated him to provide materials prior to the training and thus trainees were able to learn from it along with the Project Manager’s explanation. Trainees gained knowledge of road development of Hiroshima prefecture and management of various kind of infrastructures such as roads, rivers, dams, soil-erosion control, harbors, coastlines, sewers, and parks.
- The lecture on road development in Hiroshima Prefecture
- Project Manger, Osamu Yoshida explaining the lecture materials
- Project Manger explaining the lecture materials