Day 8: July 9, 2018
1. Examination-1 and Review-1
2. Lecture: “The Police System and Commodity in Japan”
Although most transportation systems affected by the heavy rain disaster, the shuttle bus between HIP and HU was running and thus trainees were able to commute !
Part of the JR railway collapsed and highways also closed between Hiroshima and Higashi-Hiroshima where the University located and Shinkansen was the only transportation method between these cities at this time. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Yoshinaka and his living area was not affected by the disaster. Therefore, he came by Shinkansen and we are able to have his lecture as planned.
Trainees first took the examination-1. All lecturers are asked to prepare one question for their lectures to test trainees’ understanding of lectures. The weekly exam was held three times and final exam to conclude these three. Also, a short review session was conducted everyday after the afternoon session was finished from 16:15 to 17:45.
- Trainees taking the Examination-1
- Trainees taking the Examination-1
- Review session manged by facilitators
The lecture, “The Police System and Commodity in Japan” was given by Professor Nobuhito Yoshinaka, HU. His lecture was divided into two parts: 1) Police organization in Japan: A prefectural police system, and 2) Modern society and community policing in Japan. Trainees learned basic information of Police system of Japan and how the system works in communities including history of crime prevention activities and its challenges.
- Prof. Yoshinaka
- During the lecture
- Group photo after the lecture