The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (5-22)

Day 4: July 5, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Autonomous Government in Peacebuilding” 
  2. Lecture: “UNITAR Capacity Development: Existing Training Programmes”

First lecture, “Autonomous Government in Peacebuilding,” was given by our project manager, Professor Osamu Yoshida, Hiroshima University. Prof. Yoshida used some examples to explain procedures taken for building self-government or to stipulate a unitary state. Conditions for successful and stable decentralization were also discussed. 

The second lecture,  “UNITAR Capacity Development: Existing Training Programmes” was delivered by Dr. Shamsul Hadi Shams, Training Associate, UNITAR Hiroshima Office.  He first discussed UNITAR’s vision and mission and then, explained various training programmes. Some case studies of Post-Conflict reconstruction and disarmament were also discussed.