The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (16-22)

Day 17: July 18, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Leading Change”
  2. Midterm review session with new facilitators

The lecture “Leading Change” was given by Mr. Nigel Gan, Training Associate, UNITAR Hiroshima Office. Mr. Gan showed steps and strategies for successful process of leading change and stages of transition by exploring a changing model and using various practical exercises. Importance of a good communication was also discussed.

In the afternoon, we originally scheduled a onsite training at Higashi Hiroshima City to learn administrative work at the City Hall. However, the heavy rain disaster strongly hit Hirgashi Hiroshima and they had been busy for supporting victims of the Disaster and opened volunteer center on July 9th. We continued to pray for those who were in the affected areas and fast recovery.   Hiroshima University also call for volunteers to participate these volunteer activities. A courtesy call on Mayor of Higashi-Hiroshima City scheduled on July 19 was also cancelled.

We utilized this time for trainees to go through all information learned during the first half period and share it  with the second half facilitators. The facilitators showed their leadership and organization skills to manage the session. The trainees were divided into three groups and presented their discussions to the large group. At the end of the review session, trainees write a review sheet which they wrote for each session/activity everyday.