Termination of HiPeC-BM Project and Closure of Cotabato Office

I am very sorry that my first post after a long time is a disappointing one.
For the past three years, due to the global outbreak of the new Coronavirus, it has been difficult to conduct training programs between Mindanao and Hiroshima, and we have been away from applying for JICA projects.
In the meantime, Professor Yoshida of Hiroshima University, who has been implementing the HiPeC-BM project, is about to retire in the end of March 2026.
Even if he were to apply for the JICA project and be selected, it would take six months to start the project and almost four years to finish it, so Professor Yoshida would not be able to carry out the project to the end.
Therefore, the HiPeC-BM Cotabato Office, which has been located at the Institute of Bangsamoro Studies in Cotabato, is being closed at the end of March 2023, and the HiPeC-BM Project in the official sense will come to an end.
We would like to thank Director Lingga and all the members of IBS for their cooperation, BDA for the Skill-up Training, the instructors who guided the trainees in the training, the administrative staff of the Cotabato office for their support, and the trainees who participated in the training with great enthusiasm.
I would also like to thank the Hiroshima Prefecture officials who gave lectures from their professional standpoints during the training in Hiroshima, the people in the field who accepted the trainees for fieldwork, and the faculty members of Hiroshima University who accepted to serve as lecturers.
Thank you very much.
Although the training as a JICA Grassroots project has now come to an end, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Government and Hiroshima University have concluded Joint Statement of Cooperation, and have decided to continue their cooperative relationship for the development of Bangsamoro autonomy.
While it remains to be seen what specific activities we will be able to implement together, we are confident that the HiPeC-BM alumni will help us to maintain our ties with each other and with Professor Yoshida and to work together to deepen our relationship and cooperation.
Glory to the future of Bangsamoro and HiPeC-BM forever!