On Sunday, November 11, 2018, we held two big events of the Project: 1) The 2nd Phase Hiroshima Essential Trainings Final Presentation and 2) Panel Discussion of the Hiroshima Peace-building and Capacity Development Project for the Bangsamoro (HiPeC-BM), at EM Manor Hotel, Cotabato City. We are very happy to announce that both events were completed with a big success!!
Please see the schedule below. (Click here for the PDF version)
- Program front page
- Morning Session: Final Presentation
- Afternoon Session: Panel Discussion
The morning session was “The 2nd Phase Hiroshima Essential Trainings Final Presentation” to provide the participants of the 4th, 5th and 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (HET) an opportunity to present their polished final Policy Proposals for the future autonomous government in the Bangsamoro to the Board Members of the Bansamoro Development Agency (BDA).
The original proposals were developed during their respective Hiroshima Essential Trainings. Trainees received suggestions and comments at their respective final presentation days from academia and professionals. Taking these feedbacks , they had continued to work on their own proposals to make them the final after they were back in the Philippines. All participants successfully completed their polished proposals and officially submitted them to the BDA on Sunday, November 11.
For this reason, the Board Members of the BDA attended the session. We also invited a representative from Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP)– Cotabato Operations Office and examiners in the HET Screening Committees. The latter includes Dr. Arceli B. Naraga, Mindanao State University (MSU) – Maguindanao, and Ms. Fatima P. Kanakan, Executive Director, Office on Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC), Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Other HiPeC-BM Alumni HET Trainees of Batches 1 to 3 were invited as well.
After the policy proposal of each group, Atty. Ishmael Bahjin of OPAPP Cotabato Operations Office, Dr. Naraga and Director Kanakan gave their positive comments. Dr. Mohammad Yacob, Executive Director of BDA, praised all the members of Batches 4-6 and promised that all the proposals would be implemented.
The topics of their final presentations are:
4th Batch :
1) “Improving the Delivery of Social Protection and Community Transformation in the Bangsamoro through the Development of an Integrated Management Information System”
2) “Potable Water Supply Project for Tipo-Tipo, Basilan.”
5th Batch:
1) “Image-Building for Bangsamoro: Strengthening Bangsamoro Identity”
2) “Creation of Integrated Training and Development Plan for Bangsamoro Government Employees ”
6th Batch:
1) “Agri-Bizaar (Agriculture+Business+Bazaar)”
2) “Institutionalization of the Oneness in Nurturing Education in Bangsamoro Teachers’ Guide in Araling Panlipunan Grade 3.”
Please also see the photos during the morning session.
The afternoon session was a PANEL DISCUSSION on “How Can We Organize the Transition to the Bangsamoro Government as a Preparation to Provide the People in the Region with the Dividend of Peace?”
The Panelists during the discussion were Dr. Mohammad S. Yacob, Executive Director of BDA, Prof. Abhoud Syed M. Lingga, Executive Director of Institute of Bangsamoro Studies (IBS), Atty. Raissa H. Jajurie, Commissioner of Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC) and representatives of the three batches of HET, Mr. Kenny Lloyd L. Angon of Batch 6, Ms. Annieza P. Abubakar of Batch 5 and Mr. Jesse Angelo L. Altez of Batch 4.
The Panel Discussion by the Panelists was followed by a Plenary Discussion which was actively participated by other HET members as well as HiPeC-BM Alumni members.
One of the questions being asked to the panelists was “Because we want to be guided in helping the leaders in achieving a better society, we want to know what are your expectations to the Youth?”, given by Mr. Abdul Nasif M. Mohammad, a 3rd Batch Trainee.
Please see the photos of the afternoon session.