Category Archives: NEWS

Day 20: July 21, 2018
Participating a community event “KUBA Collection” at Kuba Community Center

A community center in Kuba, Otake-city Hiroshima prefecture, organizes a fashion event  called “KUBA collection” every July.  We were invited to the Event by Ms. Hitomi Kochi, the only staff in the Community Center in Kuba. This is our second time to participated in the Event. 

 It was in January 2017 when we first visited  Kuba Community Center  as a part of the filed work during the 2nd Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-up Trainings. We choose this specific community center because the Center’s successful development procedures were recognized and awarded as the best community center in 2015 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Five years before the Community Center was nominated in the competition, Ms. Hitomi Kouchi initiated an interactive event “Manabi-no- Cafe (Learning cafe)” and established a strong social connection in the Kuba community (see the success story (in Japanese) here). Ms. Kouch then utilized this connection to expand it as another creative project/place called, “Chiiki-jin Manabi-no-Cafe (Local people’s Learning Cafe/地域ジン学びのカフェ).” The Cafe acts as an active community hub in the Kuba area and a place for working together to find solutions on various issues in the area. The judges of the MEXT competition valued the Community Center’s effort on making Kuba area active and strong in connecting people which encouraged them to make the area better and vigorous by themselves. “KUBA -Collection” is one of the active events organized by the Community Center.

By participating the Event, not only did the trainees enjoy the cultural activities and communicating with the local people, but they also seemed to strength their team spirit and learned a power of togetherness from the community. 







Day 19: July 20, 2018
Field Trip to Shobara city
1. Lecture: “Shobara city,Hiroshima Prefecture
   2. Lecture: “Shobara Sangakukan Renkei Suishinkiko and its coordination activities”
   3. Lecture: “Links between the Region and the University”
   4. Lecture: Introducing “Shokusaikan Shobara Yumesakura”

The purpose of this field trip is to learn and examine the City’s effort to Industry-Academia (University)-Government cooperation. We choose Shobara city as an example where cooperation of the three parties has developed and worked well in Hiroshima prefecture.   

We took a bus to the Shobara city hall. We first paid a courtesy call on Mr. Toyoki Teramoto, Chief of Promotion Planning Division. Then, the  lecture about the city of Shobara was given by Mr. Yoshinori Yagyu, Planning department -commerce, industry and forestry division-commerce and industry promotion section, Shobara City. He first showed overview of the City on the demographic information, commerce, and industry. Mr. Yagyu then explored the City’s  effort to establishment of effective cooperation between industry, academia, and government. The city acts “Government” part. Challenges and future policies and efforts on the cooperative work are also discussed.

After we learned about the Shobara city, the lecture, “Shobara Sangakukan Renkei Suishinkiko and its coordination activities” was delivered by Mr. Masato Naka, a coordinator, Shobara Sangakukan Renkei Suishinkiko.  Mr. Naka works  for collaboration between industry, university, and government to coordinate these three  parties. He explained his work by introducing  three types of coordinators. Mr. Naka also shows responsibilities and requirements of his position as a coordinator.

After the two lectures,  we moved the venue to Shokusaikan  “Shobara Yumesakura” (食彩館 ‘しょうばらゆめさくら’), a local market and community space, and had lunch and afternoon lectures there. Trainees enjoyed unique meal called “Shobara-yaki” – a Shobara-style Okonomiyaki, the Hiroshima’s famous soul food. Instead of noodles in regular Okonomiyaki, Shobara-yaki uses rice.  It was a great experience for them to taste a  “Brand” in Shobara after they learned about “Brand Hiroshima” just a day before this  field trip. 

Then, the lecture, “Links between the Region and the University” was given by Associate Professor Tomyuki Yoshino, Prefectural University of Hiroshima.  He listed names of collaborated projects with “Industry” and “Government” as a “Industry-Academia-Government Cooperation.” The Assoc. Prof. Yoshino introduced three case studies to show procedures and results of each collaborative project and help trainees understand how the “Cooperation” operated from the “Academia/University” point of view. 

This lecture originally planned at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima in Shobara-campus but due to the lack of water supply resulted from the heavy rain disaster, we replaced it to the Shobara Yumesakura (しょうばらゆめさくら) and stayed there all afternoon.  However, we had a chance to visit the Campus to observe Assoc. Prof. Yoshino’s lab called, “Food Microscopic Analysis Laboratory” on our way back.

Lastly, the lecture about “Shokusaikan ‘Shobara Yumesakura’ (食彩館 ‘しょうばらゆめさくら’)” was delivered by Mr. Takeshi Arai, the bakery shop manager of “Beibaku kobo 21 Megumi (米麦工房21めぐみ),” located in the Shobara Yume Sakura (しょうばらゆめさくら). Mr. Arai first introduced various shops in the community market space and then discussed his bakery products. This bakery established in 2002 for contributing Shobara’s Industry-Academia-Government  partnership.  His bakery products are also introduced in Assoc. Prof. Yoshino’s case studies mentioned above. Trainees had chance to taste some of the bakery’s products and learned collaborative projects from the “Industry” point of view.  





Day 18: July 19, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Brand Promotion Policy of Hiroshima Prefecture”
  2. Lecture: “Human Resource Development in Local Government Units”

Today’s lecture was both contributed by Hiroshima prefectural Government (HPG).
In the morning, the lecture, “Brand Promotion Policy of Hiroshima Prefecture” was given by Ms. Kayo Shimomura, Hiroshima Brand Promotion Division, HPG. Her lecture consisted of two parts: 1) Hiroshima Brand and 2) TAU, Setouchi Hiroshima.

In the “Hiroshima Brand” part, Ms. Shimomura discussed reasons for promoting “Hiroshima Brand” and showed various visions on different perspectives about Hiroshima. The Prefecturtal government’s effort and goals through “Hiroshima Brand” were also discussed. In the second part, Ms. Shimomura introduced a Hiroshima brand shop building “TAU, Setouchi Hiroshima” located in Tokyo. The building has four floors including one underground floor.  She explained three purposes of the establishment of “ TAU” and showed various shops in the each floor. Statistical information of  “TAU‘s business/marketing was also discussed. 

The afternoon lecture,”Human Resource Development in Local Government Units”  was delivered by Mr. Naoki Fujiwara, Director, Hiroshima Prefectural Government Training Center. Ms. Chikako HIROSE, Deputy Director of the Center, also came to assist. The Training Center was established to provide trainings to prefectural and municipal personnel. Mr. Fujiwara discussed the Center’s human resource management strategies, goals, and various training models. He also showed the Center’s training structure of the year of 2018 and specific training for new employees.

Mr. Kawagoe, Hiroshima Prefectural Peace Promotion Project Team, HPG also participated in the lecture. He is the primary contact of HPG and jointly have made plans and helped organizing this Training. After the lecture, Mr. Kawagoe supported the review session as well.




Day 17: July 18, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Leading Change”
  2. Midterm review session with new facilitators

The lecture “Leading Change” was given by Mr. Nigel Gan, Training Associate, UNITAR Hiroshima Office. Mr. Gan showed steps and strategies for successful process of leading change and stages of transition by exploring a changing model and using various practical exercises. Importance of a good communication was also discussed.

In the afternoon, we originally scheduled a onsite training at Higashi Hiroshima City to learn administrative work at the City Hall. However, the heavy rain disaster strongly hit Hirgashi Hiroshima and they had been busy for supporting victims of the Disaster and opened volunteer center on July 9th. We continued to pray for those who were in the affected areas and fast recovery.   Hiroshima University also call for volunteers to participate these volunteer activities. A courtesy call on Mayor of Higashi-Hiroshima City scheduled on July 19 was also cancelled.

We utilized this time for trainees to go through all information learned during the first half period and share it  with the second half facilitators. The facilitators showed their leadership and organization skills to manage the session. The trainees were divided into three groups and presented their discussions to the large group. At the end of the review session, trainees write a review sheet which they wrote for each session/activity everyday.


Day 16: July 17, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Public Finance Theory for Development of Local Areas”
  2. Lecture: “Foreign Relations of Japan -2”

The first lecture,”Public Finance Theory for Development of Local Areas” was given by Professor Takahiro Tezuka, HU. A staff from JICA Chugoku Center, Mr. Yamamoto, joined this session to audit the lecture. Mr. Yamamoto is the primary contact between JICA and Hiroshima University regarding this JICA Partnership program.   

Prof. Tezuka first showed data of revenue and expenditure of local government. Then, he gave detailed explanation of local government’s tax system and how it was used for development of local areas. Based on the information given by the Professor, solutions for increasing financial resources were also discussed.

The second lecture was held as a second part of the lecture, “Foreign Relations of Japan” given by Professor Osamu Yoshida, HU, on July 12, 2018  (Please see the news series of this training  <11-22>) . The lecture at this time originally planned for the lecture “Agricultural Production Infrastructure Maintenance in Hiroshima” However, due to the heavy rain disaster caused various damages on agricultural products in Hiroshima Prefecture and thus the lecturer had to deal with these urgent matters.  We prayed for speedy recovery of these affected areas.

After Prof. Yoshida’s lecture, the regular review session was held between 16:15-17:45. This is first time for the second-half facilitators to run the session.

Day 15: July 16, 2018
1. Field trip to Miyajima
  2. Filipino dinner and communicating with local people

This field study trip was postponed from Saturday, July 14. The highway in the Higashi-Hiroshima area finally resumed and thus we were able to visit Miyajima, also known as Itsukushima, where is famous for Itsukushima Shrine, one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Itsukushima Shrine was built by Taira-no-Kiyomori, a general of Heian-period who was assigned to rule Akinokuni (Hiroshima area in the present time). We also visited Kiyomori shrine which was built in 1954 in commemoration of the 770th anniversary of Taira-no-Kiyomori’s passing. In the afternoon, we climbed up to the Daisyo-In temple where consists of complex temples and an important temple for Shingon Buddhism.

After the field trip to Miyjima, We came back to Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP) for Filipino dinner specially made by Ms. Maria Kawasaki who is from the Philippines and lives in Higashi Hiroshima. We have known her since 2015 when she owned a Filipino food restaurant and it was 8th time her to involve this training.

The training is a month long and having trainees’ soul food  is very important for their mind and thus we always provide this opportunity once during the training.  This time, w e also invited a family of a graduate student who went Peace Memorial Park trip with us because her mother is from the Philippines. Everyone enjoyed home-made Filipino meal and conversations.  This session reminded trainees of home and also was a great energy charging time at the middle of the training.

Day 13: July 14, 2018
  A trip to Miyajima was postponed to Monday, July 16 due to the availability of the transportation and the first-half of facilitator, Abdul Nasif Mama Mohammad (Nash),  left for the Philippines. 

Day 14: July 15, 2018
   The session “Examination-2 and Review 2” was held at the JICA training room. In the evening, the second-half of facilitators, Rukayya Abdurahma Darul (Kai), and Ronnie Landicho Arap, Jr. (RR), arrived at Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP) where trainees stayed during the training.


Day 12: July 13, 2018
   Field Trip to Hiroshima City 
         1. Hiroshima Castle 
         2. Peace Memorial Museum and Park
  (Cancelled: Field trip to Etajima city)

Due to the heavy rain disaster on July 7th strongly affected  Etajima city where we planed for the firld trip today, we were not able to visit the Etajima city.

Although our visit was cancelled, we received a lot of materials from them. Trainees were able to learn various information of the City of Etajima, Sato-no-Eki (a market directly from farmers in Nomi area) and  Minato kitchen project, and a community space, “FUUDO.”  We thanked them for organizing the original visit and providing all materials for us. We sincerely hoped the speedy recovery of the City. 

Alternatively, we went to Hiroshima city to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Peace Memorial Park, and Hiroshima Castle which was originally planed on July 7, 2018.  Back then, there was no way to get to Hiroshima from Saijo but at this time, Shinkansen was working. The cost of Shinkansen is more expensive than its local train but the Japan Railway (JR) company permitted people to use Shinkansen if they purchased local tickets to Hiroshima prior to the disaster. We have already bought the JR tickets and could use it to ride Shinkansen.

First, we visited Hiroshima Castle.  We learned history of the Castle and took a tour to the top of the Castle. 

We then walked toward Peace Memorial Park area and trainees enjoyed Halal-certified lunch at a Turkish restaurant. The next destination was the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.  A experienced volunteer guide, Mr. Ken Harada, showed us the Museum and trainees learned detailed information and took the message of No more Hiroshimas. Mr. Harada then guided us to the Peace Memorial Park.  We visited Atomic Bomb Dome (A-bomb Dome), one of the World Heritage sites, and explored the Park including the hypocentre/Ground zero located outside of the Park. Mr. Harada provided us very informative session and it confirmed necessity of working toward peacekeeping around the world.

Day 11: July 12, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Foreign Relations of Japan -1”
  2. Review session by facilitators

The lecture was held at the g Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University. This is the second lecture given by Professor Yoshida who is also the Project Manager of the project called the Global Hiroshima Project to Enhance Peacebuilding Human Resource Development for the Bangsamoro Government in Mindanao, the Philippines, one of the JICA partnership programs .

Prof. Yoshida discussed on “Foreign relation of Japan” within different circumstances. First he mentioned differences before and after the second world war (WW II) and explored foreign relations of Japan specifically after  WWII. Based on the history of relationships which Japan have developed with different countries, future view of foreign policy was also discussed.

The entire afternoon was devoted to the review session managed by facilitators. As the training was close to the middle point, the trainees were enthusiastically worked on the review to gain deep understanding of each lecture. Pfof. Yoshida also joined to help their understandings and give sufficient advice for their final presentations.




Day 10: July 11, 2018
  Joint lecture series between Hiroshima University (HU) and Hiroshima Prefectural
 Government (HPG)
1. Theme: Regional Comprehensive Plan: Depopulated Areas of Hiroshima
           Lecture 1: ” Municipality: A basic Local Government in  Japan”
           Lecture 2:  “Efforts to Develop Hilly and Mountainous Areas” 
   2. Theme: Roles and Missions of Local Government Administration and Finance
          Lecture 1: “Local Government in Japan”
          Lecture 2: “Roles and Duties of Local government Administration”

The first joint lecture was given by Professor Seiichi Moribe, HU and Mr. Shinichi Yokota, Promotion of Mountainous and Hilly Areas Division, HPG. Prof. Moribe introduced structures of local government in Japan and discussed roles, duties, and functions of local governments.  needs to have as a state. He examined Aoga-shima village as an example of a small local government in Japan.  Mr. Yokota focused on mountainous areas in Hirohsima and described various issues in these areas. Plans and projects to solve these issues were also discussed for developing and revitalizing these areas. 

The second joint lecture was delivered by Emeritus Professor Nobufumi Kawasaki, HU and Mr. Tatsutoshi Sakura, Division of Municipal Finance, HPG. Prof. Kawasaki first explained government system in Japan and then explore the city of Higashi Hiroshima and showed different sections’ work. He then discussed current policy issues and how the local goverment is working on these issues. Mr. Sakura explained details of duties and roles of local goverment focusing on Hiroshima Prefecture.