MHST 2nd Hiroshima Part has been Finished


     Mindanao-Hiroshima Skill-Up Trainings 2nd Batch was held at Hiroshima from 9 to 20 January, 2017. We had a mid-term presentation on 20 January, and it was the end of Hiroshima part of trainings. Trainees went back to Mindanao on 21 January. The trainings still continues one more week at Cotabato, Philippines.

20170120061 20170120106 

Presenter Title of Presentations
Asan Al-Ameen CAMLIAN          Local Peacewatch Mechanism for Peaceful Bangsamoro Communities
Manal SUGADOL Cultural Community Learning Center (CCLC)
Jerham JOE Bangsamoro Society with available and accessible health services creating a healthy community
Nor Jannah GULEMBAYAN Capacity Building for Bangsamoro Development: A Promotion of Trust and Confidence between the Government and the Community for Development and Sustainability
Omar KABAK Literacy and Skill Development for Adult (LASDA)
Naima PENDI A Flourishing Agro-fisheries Industry Benefitting the Bangsamoro

     Trainees gave presentations about “Issues and Solutions in Bangsamoro Administration”. They raised the vision for Bangsamoro which shared within trainees, then they explained their project proposal one by one. Their vision for Bangsamoro is “Inclusive and sustainable Bangsamoro upholding justice with pride in its history and culture.”
     Cooperators from Hiroshima Prefectural government, JICA Chugoku and Hiroshima University gave a lot of comments and suggestion for each presentations.

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     They will update their own project and present again at final presentation on 28 January, at Cotabato. A lot of participants from cooperated organizations will expected.