The 6th Hiroshima Essential Trainings (11-22)

Day 11: July 12, 2018
  1. Lecture: “Foreign Relations of Japan -1”
  2. Review session by facilitators

The lecture was held at the g Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University. This is the second lecture given by Professor Yoshida who is also the Project Manager of the project called the Global Hiroshima Project to Enhance Peacebuilding Human Resource Development for the Bangsamoro Government in Mindanao, the Philippines, one of the JICA partnership programs .

Prof. Yoshida discussed on “Foreign relation of Japan” within different circumstances. First he mentioned differences before and after the second world war (WW II) and explored foreign relations of Japan specifically after  WWII. Based on the history of relationships which Japan have developed with different countries, future view of foreign policy was also discussed.

The entire afternoon was devoted to the review session managed by facilitators. As the training was close to the middle point, the trainees were enthusiastically worked on the review to gain deep understanding of each lecture. Pfof. Yoshida also joined to help their understandings and give sufficient advice for their final presentations.